
Research activities nowadays necessarily take place in an international context. For this reason it is necessary to promote the internationalization of doctoral programmes in order to take advantage, on the one hand, of the knowledge and experience of a wider scientific community and, on the other, to use this global community to disseminate the results obtained in the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science and Technologies for Smart Cities.

 The internationalization of the programme is organized around three fundamental pillars:

  1. The collaboration of the research teams supporting the programme with international groups.
  2. Mobility agreements signed by the ETSISI with European university centers.
  3. Mobility planning within the Programme (Training activities: Stays in research groups).


Options for students:

 International co-supervision


  • The doctoral thesis must be supervised by two or more PhDs from two universities, one Spanish and one foreign, who must formalize a co-supervision agreement.
  • During the period of training required to obtain the PhD degree, the PhD student must have spent a minimum of six months at the institution with which the co-supervision agreement is established, carrying out research work, either in a single period or in several periods. Stays and activities will be reflected in the co-supervision agreement.

Procedures: Thesis under the International Co-supervision

 International doctoral mention


  • During the period of training required to obtain the PhD degree, the PhD student must have spent a minimum of three months outside Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research center, studying or carrying out research work. The stay and the activities must be approved by the Director and authorized by the Academic Committee, and will be included in the student’s activities document.
  • Part of the doctoral thesis, at least the summary and conclusions, must have been written and presented in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in their field of knowledge, other than any of the official or co-official languages of Spain. This rule will not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country.

Steps to take:

  1. Application for the stay: this must be submitted by the PhD student, with the approval of the Director, to the CAPD, (before the stay application).
  2. The application for the ‘International Doctor’ award must be submitted at the time of applying for the deposit of the doctoral thesis. (more information in the procedures section).


Active collaboration agreements and agreements of the research teams participating in the Doctoral Programme.

 The consolidated research groups of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid to which the teaching staff of the Doctoral Programme belong collaborate with other research groups from other prestigious national and/or foreign centers, as a result of which, in addition to joint publications, they have participated in joint projects and have carried out stays of teaching staff and hosted students. 





Universidad de Oulu


Vienna Molecular Computing             

Group Tecnológico de Viena


Computer and Automation Research Institute

Academia de Ciencias de Budapest


Bioinformatics and Natural Computing           

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


Meta-P-Lab Virtual Laboratory

Università di Verona           


Models of computing, algorithms and cryptography

Universidad de Bucarest


Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science

Universidad de Leiden


Foundation of Large Scale Dynamic Distributed Systems

IRISA Rennes


Department of Computer Science      

Imperial College (London)

Reino Unido

Department of Recursos Hídricos

Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola (Concepción)


Turku Centre for Computer Science  

Äbo Akademi (Turku)


Department of Computer Science      

University of Helsinki           


Laboratoire d’Informatique Théorique et Appliquée

University of Metz           


Yokomori Laboratory 

Waseda University           


Theory Division Max Planck

Institut für Quantenoptik



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